It`s been a
while since we`ve been active on our blog. So we thought it was about time to let people know we are still alive and well!:) And as we are no longer in South Africa, this post will mark the end of this blog as well. Can`t keep writing under the blog-name "in South Africa" forever:)
Coming home..
We`ve been
home for a month or so. Its been a mix of emotions,
from the sadness of leaving people and a country we love, to the joy and
blessings of spending lots of time with family and friends whom we also love. It
took a couple of weeks before we felt that our mind and heart had transitioned
and was not in some middle-stage between Cape Town and Norway. The emotions as
we left Cape Town really gave me (Kristina) a new dimension of compassion for people
who are forced to leave everything they love behind. We were nowhere near that,
off course! But the feeling of knowing something well, loving the food, language, culture and little everyday things of a place, having formed deep friendships –
and then suddenly leaving it all behind, was truly painful. There are good
reasons for God to keep asking his people to love the immigrants.
But we are
so blessed to have amazing people to come home to. And we have had several
weeks to rest, reflect, have great conversations with people and just enjoy
life before work and studying starts (next week).
What a summer though...
Fortunately for us, this year Norway decided to show off with what is so far called the fourth best summer since
1900. It`s hard for people that are not from here and experience our harsh winters to
understand how excited Norwegians get when the forecast show 25 degrees and upwards for
weeks at a time, and most people`s lives suddenly revolve around eating ice cream,
swimming, being on a boat and sitting up late at night to enjoy the long, warm
evenings. This past week has been just like that. Underneeth are some pics from much appreciated summer-moments.
Thank you!
A final thank you to everyone who has been supporting us, backing us, encouraging us and loving us - in South Africa and in Norway! These past two years has shaped and formed us in many ways, and has been some of the most rich and amazing years of our lives. We are so thankful to God for this experience, and we have experienced that when you live out your dreams and what God has put on your heart, it brings life and joy in abundance!
Family welcome-party |
Who better than mum to get his summer-haircut going! |
Went fishing as true Norwegians:) Pulling UP the net is the fun part - then comes all the work!.. |
Though we caught a stone when we saw this huge fellow! |
Had to throw this one back in, but was fun anyways:) |
Family on Steffens side. |
It hardly gets dark at night, which makes it hard to get to bed at a decent hour:) |
Hiking the beautiful inland areas with good friends |
The three Aasen- brothers showing off |
Youngest nephew, enjoying some icecream;) |
Oldest nephew, ready for a boatride in superman suit and lifejacket:) |